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So! I was reminded by Bibby that I haven’t posted in a long time, and that I’ve quit cp. I didn’t quit intentionally- I just found that I was too old to be addicted to a children’s penguin game. Yes, my penguin is 1300 days old, that’s not an urban legend, but despite being an old penguin, what is there to live for?

Well, I found out. I realized that so many people play on clubpenguin, and so many are kids who have no idea what they’re doing (just like me, before the Disney invasion). I still want to blog about clubpenguin. Here are my blog monthly views (February 2009 is hilighted in this):


As you can see, my views have greatly declined, because I haven’t been posting- but nonetheless, there are still a few views, and probably still a few penguins, maybe, who are relying on blogs to find the facts. I want to provide those facts.

My membership has expired, and maybe I can get another 1-month membership just to see how this works. Until then, I’ll be on clubpenguin and my blog regularily. I’m going to be remodeling and updating out-the-gazoo.

If anyone could possibly inform me of clubpenguin events ever since around October 2009 – present, please do, I’d love to hear them and understand the cp storyline further. (:

Thank you to those of you who have still been reading this blog! I’ll be posting again tomorrow scheduling a meet and greet to anyone who might want to re-add me, or hopefully for those who I want to re-add, because clubpenguin deleted me/you off of most friendlists. They do that when someone doesn’t log on in more than I think 4 months, to clean out their friends lists.

Thank you for reading!


Previous Contest Winner was BIBBY156; Bibby, you can choose from the prizes listed in my contests page! (; I’d post his igloo, but it was quite an old contest and I’ve lost the files. D:

I also have a new puffle contest up–

Just do something SUPER puffle oriented, and submit your picture/screenshot or WHATEVER to my contests page! (; I have to moderate comments, so I’ll see your entry- NO DOUBT! I just won’t DISPLAY the entries until the contest is over, so that nobody steals your idea . (: CONTEST ENDS JANUARY10TH.

For more information, visit my updated contests page!

Bye for now!

Okay, so the Christmas party is almost over, so enjoy it while you can. Almost new years! I got a tablet for Christmas, AND a new LAPTOP, so I’ll be online a lot more on clubpenguin, gaiaonline, deviantart, etc.!

cp; Alex31440

gaia; Alexandria31440

deviantart; HopStepJumpDraw

I can’t wait for new years. (; What did you get for Christmas? I’m going to be opening up a new contest, soon enough. Home Sweet Home was won by Bibby156 – gaiaonline prize will be awarded soon. (:

In the meantime, here are some fun topic questions for ya.

1) What did you get for Christmas?

2) What party do you like the most?

3) Who’s your favorite famous penguin on clubpenguin?

4) Who’s your clubpenguin sweetheart?



It’s obvious that I haven’t updated this in around 5 months…I’m so sorry! I just went on Club Penguin because Bibby told me I should do so (so I’m going to be online a little bit more this week). It IS Christmas, after all. ; ) But, my friends, I’m not sure how much longer I will be on club penguin. I’m almost 14 years old and it’s getting more childish for me every day. Especially since I can’t type my wonderful smileys on there (that’s my #1 envy, not being able to type the things I want to type).

However, this party is pretty cute, and my membership hasn’t left me yet – although, if memory serves, it was supposed to leave me in the middle of November. But, eh! Whatever! More membership for me, right? Haha! I especially like that new blue and white scarf they have out. Reminds me of the one I want on Gaiaonline. ; )

Also, I wish they would have the lodge igloo. I really, really want it right now! AAH! Haha. Thank you, Bibby, for inviting me back into the clubpenguin world.

If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to for the past few months, I’ve been accepted into this huge big modeling and acting school, so I’ve had my head in the clouds. Training ends in February. I hope from there they set me up in commercials & a t.v. acting carreer, maybe even movies (which I’d be SOOO EXCITED FOR), but as of now they want me to do runway and hair modeling. Maybe a Panteen commercial? Erg. I’ve also been on Gaiaonline a LOOT, like– every single day I’m updating my Gaiaonline. So if you have one, add me – I’m Alexandria31440. And Bibby is Bibby156, x)

Either way, I’m going to try to make another puffle- a CHRISTMAS puffle. : ) Hopefully it’ll be done soon. I’m getting a tablet for Christmas, so look for me on Deviantart- HopStepJumpDraw.

In the meantime, here’s a cute little survey for all of you guys. Copy it and fill it out via comments. ; )

1) What do you think the “Mystery Present” will be?

2) Did you visit my blog every now and then to see if I was back?

3) What’s your favorite item in the Furniture Catalog?

4) How about the Clothing Catalog?

5) Did you donate to Coins for Change?

6) How long have you been on Clubpenguin?

7) Do you think it’d be a good idea to bring back some old, old items?

8) Belive it or not, we older penguins get greedy about newer 2007 + penguins having our items. Haha! But that’s okay, I think it’d be cool. Right? So, are you a member?

9) If you’re not a member, why not? Become a member! It’s really fun.

10) Merry Christmas! What do you want for Christmas?



I’ll be updating my Alex31440 tracker more now. x)

Hey everyone! Today I’m adding Pink and Link. I made Link special for the end of summer… My blogging partner, Bibby156, starts school tomorrow. I start in exactly a week from today. Anyways, if you haven’t seen my previous post, I exceeded my normal amount and got a new high score in my favorite CP game, Dance Contest. (Yes, I’m a master in D.D.R. in real life… Haha! YES, I’m a girl.) I got 34,000! OH MY GOSH! That’s definitely a record.

Also, I’m soon going to be creating a special account on photobucket, just for the puffles, just so that we don’t have to worry about that “bandwidth exceeded” dealio.

Remember to check out the puffle shop in this blog and adopt a puffle today!



I’ll be on club penguin all day today, dancing my heart out. If you want to join, I’ll be on either Winter Land, Fjord, Alpine, or any other “A” server playing Expert Dance Contest. (I wonder why “A”? Oh yeah! THAT’S MY CP NAME! :P)

Well that’s all for now.

Comment if you’re going to enter this IgLoO cOnTeSt! I only have one entrant :]

Ty4yt, [thank you for your time]


Don’t forget to enter the new contest! It’s going to be GREAT!


Oh! And today, I got my new high score in Dance Off. Man, I have way too much free time. This was on Expert, I think it’s SICK!(lol):



I’ve updated almost every page on this site! Hoorah!

Well, I’ve got great news… The ALEX31440 ADOPTABLE PUFFLE SHOP IS NOW OPEN! Price: Nothing! Haha~

I will* be creating more kinds of puffles, these are just modern for right now. Also, I realized that I forgot to create a PINK puffle… Haha… Woops. I’ll be creating that as soon as possible. Check out the new page, and adopt a puffle of your own! Here are all the current puffles currently available:

  • Blue
  • Black
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Angel
  • Devil
  • Pirate
  • Mario
  • Luigi
  • Princess Peach

More news… NEW CONTEST!

New Contest: Homie Iggy, Yo

Dunno why I added yo, probably because it’s “homie iggy”… Well, your job is to create a “home igloo”. 🙂 Visit the Contest Page to see official rules, how to enter, and, well, everything else.

That’s all for now! I STILL CAN’T WAIT FOR THE FALL FAIR!!




Aah, I just *adore* puffles. Cute little creatures. Anyways, the Fall Fair happens to be my favorite party on clubpenguin! (And that’s saying a lot, because my penguin is 1,050 days old, and I’ve seen most of the parties, excluding the opening, team red/blue hockey, and western.)

So, to spam this post up a bit… ^-^ here are some photos of my favorite game and a few rooms from the party. PUFFLE PADDLE!





Okay! So  now that that’s out of my system, here’s the rest of the post.

*I noticed that in the new Fall Fair play.clubpenguin homepage, there’s a girl wearing a school outfit that clubpenguin has never released. I assume it will be in the upcoming catalogs.*

Oh, and I’m probably going to open up a Puffle Shop right here in my blog! I have already made a few puffle pictures for the shop, too. ^_^ I just need to get permission from Bibby156 to use his idea of a “pet shop”.

These puffles will be adoptable- so all you have to do is save it and put it on your photobucket or follow a link to MY photobucket, and put it on your site, blog, profile, what ever! ;D And! It’s information is up to YOU* to fill out.

They will come in standard club penguin colors, and then some wacky things I’d like to throw in, such as “angel”.

Here’s mine, based off of my puffle in clubpenguin!


I adopted a PUFFLE!

Name: Lemon Puffe

Owner: Alex31440 😛

Likes: gummy worms, soft rock songs, and painting

Dislikes: Bob Seggat O_ _ _o


Haha! I think we’re going to enjoy this… I hope so, at least.

AH! and there’s a new pin. Koi Fish, in the Cove.~

Thanks for your time! ~Alex31440

Just a little update! ^__^; (Alex31440) I found some pretty cool videos the other day, made by Bossman1112 and Hawk445. I thought my viewers might wanna check them out! Yes, I’m going to be updating this blog more regularly now. AND! Now I’m going to be posting the main articles in the newspaper, so you don’t have to go there to read them. Woo! (But all articles and ideas remain copywritten to Disney/Club Penguin, legally. (c) )


Here are the videos.


Okay! And here’s a news post.



Now, here are the articles!

Fair-ly Excited! September 4-13 (=

The Fair is coming to Club Penguin! This yearly celebration sees special games and prizes set up all over the island. This will be the third fair the island has seen, and expectations are rising.

We interviewed penguins in Town who remembered last year’s celebration to find out what we can look forward to!

“We had fun playing games and winning tickets which we swapped for prizes,” one penguin explained. [insert by me, Alex31440: Haha! That was always my favorite part. My favorite game is the Puffle Paddle.] “There were games where we fed puffles, bounced them with paddles [insert: that’s it! Puffle Paddle!] and helped them pop balloons!”

We played in ball pools and on carousels, and wore clown suits and feathered tiaras!”

“I ate so much popcorn I thought I was going to explode,” another penguin recalled fondly.

Get ready to play games, earn tickets and much, much more. Join in the fun at the Fair, September 4-13!

[My overview on this article: I can’t wait for the fair. It’s always been my favorite party! Is anyone else as excited as me?! 😀 What’s YOUR favorite game? What items do you want to see in the prize booth?]

Migrator Spotted In Telescope!

Lighthouse attendants have confirmed sightings of Rockohpper’s ship in the telescope. “By my calculations, he’s about a week away,” one penguin explained. “That means he’ll be here in time for The Fair!” [insert: He’s the one who brought us the fair in the first place. ^__o]

Some penguins may not know this, but Rockhopper brought all the decorations and games for the very first fair. But he’s never stayed to celebrate. [Insert: Wow, I should really READ these articles before I place my inserts ^__^;;]

A puffle trainer told us, “Rockhopper left me some instructions last time he was here, and I can tell you he’s got something very exciting planned.”

Crowds of penguins have already begun to gather at the Beach, where the Migrator is expected to dock, September 4.

[My overview: Of course Rockhopper is going to be here for the fair THIS year! I think that there’s going to be a new puffle this year.]

I’m not going to spoil the rest of the newspaper, so you can read it on your own time. ^__^ plus, I don’t have the .swf for it anymore. Go figure? –sighs–

BUT! I can give you some upcoming events.

  1. August 28- New Snow And Sports Catalog [tomorrow!]
  2. Sept. 4- Oct. 1- New Penguin Style [CAN’T. WAIT.]
  3. Sept. 11- Oct. 8- Penguins That Time Forgot (new stage play)
  4. Next pin hidden tomorrow! I’ll have it posted on here.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you checked out those videos! That’s all for now. OH WAIT! I’m going to have a gaiaonline page on here. ^__o That’s it!

Ty4yt! (Thank You For Your Time)


Alexandria here, just a little for-fun post. :3 Aaaaahhhwww shooot, Shinichiwa-kun found out about my cp website XP

Just thought I’d drop by!