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Monthly Archives: August 2009

I’ve updated almost every page on this site! Hoorah!

Well, I’ve got great news… The ALEX31440 ADOPTABLE PUFFLE SHOP IS NOW OPEN! Price: Nothing! Haha~

I will* be creating more kinds of puffles, these are just modern for right now. Also, I realized that I forgot to create a PINK puffle… Haha… Woops. I’ll be creating that as soon as possible. Check out the new page, and adopt a puffle of your own! Here are all the current puffles currently available:

  • Blue
  • Black
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Angel
  • Devil
  • Pirate
  • Mario
  • Luigi
  • Princess Peach

More news… NEW CONTEST!

New Contest: Homie Iggy, Yo

Dunno why I added yo, probably because it’s “homie iggy”… Well, your job is to create a “home igloo”. šŸ™‚ Visit the Contest Page to see official rules, how to enter, and, well, everything else.

That’s all for now! I STILL CAN’T WAIT FOR THE FALL FAIR!!




Aah, I just *adore* puffles.Ā Cute little creatures. Anyways, the Fall Fair happens to be my favorite party on clubpenguin! (And that’s saying a lot, because my penguin is 1,050 days old, and I’ve seen most of the parties, excluding the opening, team red/blue hockey, and western.)

So, to spam this post up a bit… ^-^ here are some photos of my favorite game and a few rooms from the party. PUFFLE PADDLE!





Okay! SoĀ  now that that’s out of my system, here’s the rest of the post.

*I noticed that in the new Fall Fair play.clubpenguin homepage, there’s a girl wearing a school outfit that clubpenguin has never released. I assume it will be in the upcoming catalogs.*

Oh, and I’m probably going to open up a Puffle ShopĀ right here in my blog! I have already made a few puffle pictures for the shop, too. ^_^ I just need to get permission from Bibby156 to use his idea of a “pet shop”.

These puffles will be adoptable- so all you have to do is save it and put it on your photobucket or follow a link to MY photobucket, and put it on your site, blog, profile, what ever! ;D And! It’s information is up to YOU* to fill out.

They will come in standard club penguin colors, and then some wacky things I’d like to throw in, such as “angel”.

Here’s mine, based off of my puffle in clubpenguin!


I adoptedĀ a PUFFLE!

Name: Lemon Puffe

Owner: Alex31440 šŸ˜›

Likes: gummy worms, soft rock songs, and painting

Dislikes: Bob Seggat O_ _ _o


Haha! I think we’re going to enjoy this… I hope so, at least.

AH! and there’s a new pin. Koi Fish, in the Cove.~

Thanks for your time! ~Alex31440

Just a little update! ^__^; (Alex31440) I found some pretty cool videos the other day, made by Bossman1112 and Hawk445. I thought my viewers might wanna check them out! Yes, I’m going to be updating this blog more regularly now. AND! Now I’m going to be posting the main articles in the newspaper, so you don’t have to go there to read them. Woo! (But all articles and ideas remain copywritten to Disney/Club Penguin, legally. (c) )


Here are the videos.


Okay! And here’s a news post.



Now, here are the articles!

Fair-ly Excited! September 4-13 (=

The Fair is coming to Club Penguin! This yearly celebration sees special games and prizes set up all over the island. This will be the third fair the island has seen, and expectations are rising.

We interviewed penguins in Town who remembered last year’s celebration to find out what we can look forward to!

“We had fun playing games and winning tickets which we swapped for prizes,” one penguin explained. [insert by me, Alex31440: Haha! That was always my favorite part. My favorite game is the Puffle Paddle.] “There were games where we fed puffles, bounced them with paddles [insert: that’s it! Puffle Paddle!] and helped them pop balloons!”

We played in ball pools and on carousels, and wore clown suits and feathered tiaras!”

“I ate so much popcorn I thought I was going to explode,” another penguin recalled fondly.

Get ready to play games, earn tickets and much, much more. Join in the fun at the Fair, September 4-13!

[My overview on this article: I can’t wait for the fair. It’s always been my favorite party! Is anyone else as excited as me?! šŸ˜€ What’s YOUR favorite game? What items do you want to see in the prize booth?]

Migrator Spotted In Telescope!

Lighthouse attendants have confirmed sightings of Rockohpper’s ship in the telescope. “By my calculations, he’s about a week away,” one penguin explained. “That means he’ll be here in time for The Fair!” [insert: He’s the one who brought us the fair in the first place. ^__o]

Some penguins may not know this, but Rockhopper brought all the decorations and games for the very first fair. But he’s never stayed to celebrate. [Insert: Wow, I should really READ these articles before I place my inserts ^__^;;]

A puffle trainer told us, “Rockhopper left me some instructions last time he was here, and I can tell you he’s got something very exciting planned.”

Crowds of penguins have already begun to gather at the Beach, where the Migrator is expected to dock, September 4.

[My overview: Of course Rockhopper is going to be here for the fair THIS year! I think that there’s going to be a new puffle this year.]

I’m not going to spoil the rest of the newspaper, so you can read it on your own time. ^__^ plus, I don’t have the .swf for it anymore. Go figure? –sighs–

BUT! I can give you some upcoming events.

  1. August 28- New Snow And Sports Catalog [tomorrow!]
  2. Sept. 4- Oct. 1- New Penguin Style [CAN’T. WAIT.]
  3. Sept. 11- Oct. 8- Penguins That Time Forgot (new stage play)
  4. Next pin hidden tomorrow! I’ll have it posted on here.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you checked out those videos!Ā That’s all for now. OH WAIT! I’m going to have a gaiaonline page on here. ^__o That’s it!

Ty4yt! (Thank You For Your Time)


Alexandria here, just a little for-fun post. :3 Aaaaahhhwww shooot, Shinichiwa-kun found out about my cp website XP

Just thought I’d drop by!

Hey guys! Bibby here! The party is here, and the island is FLOATING! That’s right! The island is floating! You can ride a hot air balloon in the forest, to the tallest mountain! I believe it is member’s only. šŸ˜ I am a member though, so I can snag you some pictures. šŸ˜€

This is the hot air balloon:

hot air baloon

Here is the tallest mountain:

tallest mountain

At the tallest mountain, you can pick up a Jet Pack! If you equip only the jet pack, and dance, you will fly! Also, you can pick up a Green Propeller Cap at the Plaza! Green is my favorite color, so that made my day! šŸ™‚ The pin, which is a Sand Castle, is at the mine. Inside it to be exact. Well, that’s all for now! Until then… Waddle on!


Just quickly typed… I’m going to delete this in 24 hours, so read it while you can.



Club penguin means an awful lot to me. I know Iā€™m not supposed to play it at my age, but I feel an attachment that canā€™t be broken. Itā€™s not addictionā€¦ Itā€™s a bond.

I have so many memories on club penguin. My old friend Ariana introduced it to me when I was in 5th gradeā€¦Iā€™ll never forget her. But I remember how much I loved it, and how I showed it to my friend ā€œCODENAMED Doggerzā€œ. Then a month later, Doggerz made an account and got a membership, and just after the lime green party I got a membership, too. I guess itā€™s not exactly what happened just on club penguin that I miss and love, itā€™s what happened around it, too.

I was just starting to befriend ā€œCODENAME Kisaā€œ, my sisterā€™s brand new best friend at the time. I remember it clearly, as well. We were in love with Kingdom Hearts, Kisa with Demyx and Daniel RadCliffe.

I remember Doggerz and I owning the Pizza Parlor, us both being bosses and pushing away the robbers. That was always fun.

Another one of my favorite memories is my very first outfit I had on club penguin other than my naked penguin. It was a blue cheerleading uniform, blue shoes, blue pompoms, and blue fuzzy ear muffs.

I remember when wigs came along, I remember when Ballistic Biscuit changed itā€™s name to Hydro Hopper. I remember when lime green came along! I guess I remember it all. I remember when they introduced Jet Pack, I remember when Pizzatron came along. I even remember when Catching Waves came along into club penguin. I was sick from school and I was home playing it all day on my desktop.

Speaking of being sickā€¦ I remember I was so sick once with the flu, sometime in late 2006 to early 2007… That I was doubled over in pain. I remember my mom tried to cheer me up by putting my laptop in front of me with club penguin on it, and I was so sick it didnā€™t cheer me up at all. Iā€™ll never forget the way she said, ā€œOh wow, club penguin isnā€™t even cheering you up!ā€ I loved that moment so much that I was able to unroll myself and play club penguin for hours.

I remember how Doggerz and I used to stay up until midnight (which was late for us, since we were young) decorating our igloos in my bedroom. I spent hours earning 24 red bookcases. We had a love for each puffle, so we ended up getting real life stuffed ones. This also lead to us playing a Kingdom Hearts in real life game, where I was a girl and she was a girl who used our puffle to look like guys so we could fight in an arena. Then Sora fell for me and Roxas fell for her, and they invited us over for dinner. After we ate dinner with Roxas and Sora, weā€™d fall in love and have to battle them. Then weā€™d go on some kind of adventure with them. Then once thatā€™s over, weā€™d have to depart or battle them again to the death. I remember that so well because it was the same exact story every time.

Speaking of that game, it reminds me of how Doggerzā€™s toenail was green from dropping a bowling ball on it and how we played that game even though. Then how in the summer of 2007 I met my nephew for the first time in my life, and we were all swimming in her grandmaā€™s blow up pool in the backyard when the nail came off. And all of it tracks back to club penguin!

I remember how I bought my first puffle. I loved it and named it, well, I donā€™t quite remember anymore! I remember when the red puffle came along with Rock Hopper, and how I was the first penguin to name mine Rockhopper. That was pretty cool! I remember finding the yellow puffle in the forest during Halloween of 2007… Ah, great times!

I remember how Doggerz and I had made a friend named Small Fry, and we all used to play a game called, ā€œDo You Have Thisā€. Weā€™d change our outfit and if you couldnā€™t copy it completely, then you lost!

I also remember a lot more, like when I was up all night earning 4,000 coins on Cart Surfer until my computer died and I lost them all. How I was sick once more from school and I was on my computer the whole timeā€¦ Playing Cart Surfer the whole time and earning a grand total of 10,000 coinsā€¦ Learning the secret moves and using them to earn coins very quickly.

I guess basically I remember so much about club penguin, even more than thatā€¦ That I canā€™t accept the idea of letting it go. It was the first online game at all that I actually liked, and I loved it. Once Disney took over, the security levels were upgraded, and the servers were more packed, and I made more friends. Now that Iā€™ve got these friends thoughā€¦ I canā€™t let them go.

I supposeā€¦ That for the sake of my mindā€¦ I wonā€™t ever completely quit club penguin.
